I'm sure you have mispelled some git command before and seem an error message similar to the following one:

git: 'idff' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?

The message is pretty tantalizing, it knows what I meant why don't apply the correct command?

Turns out there is a git config option to handle this scneario, but very well hidden down the man page:

$ man git-config
           Automatically correct and execute mistyped commands after waiting
           for the given number of deciseconds (0.1 sec). If more than one
           command can be deduced from the entered text, nothing will be
           executed. If the value of this option is negative, the corrected
           command will be executed immediately. If the value is 0 - the
           command will be just shown but not executed. This is the default.

To set auto correct:

$ git config --global help.autoCorrect -1