If docker-machine behaves like it's drunk:

docker-machine ls

NAME                    ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM
default                          virtualbox   Running   tcp://
menagerie                        amazonec2    Running   tcp://
menagerie-staging-a              amazonec2    Running   tcp://
s2-bouncer                       amazonec2    Running   tcp://
s2-dynamodb-publisher            amazonec2    Running   tcp://

To start a connection on the local shell to docker:

eval $(docker-machine env <machine_name>)

Then export DOCKER_HOST with the right IP.

$(export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://")

To connect to the EC2 instance just do it manually:

ssh -i ~/.docker/machine/machines/<machine_name>/id_rsa ubuntu@

It happened to me that the docker configuration files were lost. Had to manually add values to the json files to be able to connect again to EC2 instances.