JavaScript Remove Console Statements
JavaScript: Remove Console Statements
There are a few tools to remove console statements on your production code.
groundskeeper or grunt-remove-logging both let you remove console.*
statements, or specify a patter to match your own logger utility.
With groundskeeper you would do:
groundskeeper -n App.logger.log < dirty.js > clean.js
There is grunt-groundskeeper task for grunt.
UglifyJS2, which can do much more, but if you are already using it you might want to be aware of this flag:
-- default false. Pass true to discard calls to console.* functions.
If you use a build tool like grunt, you can use the grunt-contrib-uglify task.
If not, just use sed.
sed -i -e '/^\s*console\.log\(.*\);\s*$/d' code.js