Egos on the Net Xxx
Egos on the net.
How to avoid callback hell?
Bruno Jouhier Re: [nodejs] Re: How to avoid callback hell? Try streamline.js. It is not a library but a language tool. Problem is solved and people should start to use real solutions instead of whining and re-inventing the wheel.
Then, he goes again:
Opposite experience with streamline. We use the tool everyday and we'll never go back to callbacks. It probably has to do with the fact that libraries only solve a small part of the problem while a language tool can do a lot more: restore chaining, composition, operators, this, exception handling, etc. It lets you write things like: If (f1().p1 < f2().p2) return f3(_).f4(); Libraries don't help much with that kind of simple logic.
So, on google search later- about Fibers in node-, already forgotten of the dude, i run into this Sponsored Ad, at least this time he singals it.